
Free Trial Download
Cardiology Report Generator is the most affordable and complete solution available. To see for yourself, please download your free, no-obligation trial version and see how it works in your office for 45 days. The trial version generates complete reports and can be installed on multiple computers and networked.
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System Requirements
Supports treadmill exercise tests, pharmacologic stress, nuclear imaging with multiple protocols, and stress echocardiography |
Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP |
Microsoft Word 97 or higher |
Screen resolution 1024 x 768 or higher |
Note: Early versions of Windows 98 may require DCOM98, an upgrade only available for through Microsoft. Please Install this prior to installing the report generator.
Request CD
Pressed for time? Have a slow connection? We would be happy to send you a CD of the 45 day trial version of Cardiology Report Generator. Get Trial CD.
