Free Trial DownloadCRG SoftwareAbout UsContactHome: CRG - Cardiology Report Generator
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Privacy Guarantee: We will never sell or exchange your information with anyone. We will only contact you, if necessary, regarding your 45-day trial version of CRG Software.

Request CD

Please fill out the form below and we will send you a 45-day trial CD to the mailing address you indicate below.  We will contact you via e-mail to arrange for PayPal payment of $10.00, shipping and handling, which will be credited toward any future purchases.

(* Required information)

First Name *
Last Name *
Company/Practice *
Title *
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ZIP Code/Post Code *

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Number of Physicians
Type of tests performed
Do you have an EMR?
(Please specify)

System Requirements

bullet Supports treadmill exercise tests, pharmacologic stress, nuclear imaging with multiple protocols, and stress echocardiography
bullet Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP
bullet Microsoft Word 97 or higher
bullet Screen resolution 1024 x 768 or higher

Note: Early versions of Windows 98 may require DCOM98, an upgrade only available for through Microsoft. Please Install this prior to installing the report generator.

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All content and terms subject to change without notice.